The Power of Connection

When I became pregnant by accident at the age of 40, it was a colossal shock, and turned my comfortable, independent life upside down.  My life had centered around my career, my love of fitness and my group of wonderful friends, and I was enjoying a blossoming relationship with a new partner.  I was happy […]

Returning to the workplace

For the past two years, people all over the world have eagerly waited for the pandemic to end. As we’ve adapted, innovated, and persevered, life and workplaces are now starting to look a bit more ‘normal.’ However, many organisational routines and processes might not fit our new normal. And that’s okay. In fact, recognising this […]

Mental Health First Response in the workplace

Mental Health is a much-neglected aspect of business life that can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of any workforce. In this post, we will look at why mental health is an essential factor for businesses to consider and what they can do to help their employees remain mentally well. The importance of developing awareness […]

Learning the Lessons of Self-Kindness

Anti-Bullying Week takes place this year from the 15th to the 19th November and this year’s theme is ‘One Kind Word’. What is kindness? It’s a question I have considered deeply. Not because I was initially interested in the topic, but because life brought me circumstances where I had no choice but to look more […]

World Menopause Day: supporting women in the workplace

Menopause is a diversity issue. Companies lose women at senior levels if they don’t have menopause support built into their policy. Every year on October 18th, World Menopause Day is observed. The goal of the day is to increase awareness of the menopause and the resources available to help women improve their health and wellbeing. […]

Getting on with your partner during lockdown

Bears fighting

In our sessions, we often hear from people who are worried about the mental health of their partners. And if you are both struggling with your mental health it can be hard to have the time or energy to be supportive to each other. If you are in the middle of your working day and […]

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