Child protection and safeguarding

This policy outlines the guidelines for Digital Bricks staff and associates to understand their roles in safeguarding, child protection, and enhancing the welfare of children and protected adults.

The term ‘child’ can have varying legal definitions. Here the main focus is on providing support and protection to vulnerable young people at risk of harm. For the purposes of this policy, ‘children’ refers to individuals up to 18 years of age. At Digital Bricks we do not work with children under the age of 16 directly, so we will refer to young people only for the purposes of this policy.

A ‘protected adult’ refers to anyone aged 16 or above who receives particular care and support services. This definition is based on the service provided, rather than labelling individuals based on any specific condition or disability.

Child protection

This term encompasses the procedures and actions involved in evaluating, assessing, and planning the necessary steps, as well as implementing those steps, in cases where there is concern that a child may be in danger of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.


This focuses on promoting the well-being of children, young people, and protected adults. It includes protecting them from abuse, preventing damage to their health or development, ensuring they are in a safe and effective care environment, and taking measures to ensure all children, young people, and protected adults achieve the best possible outcomes. Child protection, which involves efforts to prevent significant harm to children, is included within this broader safeguarding definition.

Our ethical stance

Our goal is to nurture the growth of learners’ knowledge, skills, and wellbeing, enabling them to stay safe and protected. This ethos is interwoven into the educational experience, including learning and teaching methods, fostering positive relationships, and building learner resilience.

In all of Digital Bricks’s work, the needs, interests, and wellbeing of children, young people, and protected adults is paramount. 

Digital Bricks staff and associates, trainers, assessors, and internal verifiers are dedicated to fostering an environment where children, young people, and adults feel safe, nurtured, successful, healthy, active, included, respected, and responsible. We aim to help them evolve into successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors, whether in educational institutions, workplaces, or communities.

Digital Bricks, while not directly responsible for delivering services or conducting investigations in safeguarding or child protection matters, is dedicated to fostering the welfare and wellbeing of its staff, associates, and all individuals they interact with during their work. Safeguarding is a collective responsibility applicable to every staff member and associate regardless of their role.

Our Approach

Prioritising the needs and desired outcomes of children and adult learners in educational settings, workplaces, and communities.

Ensuring high standards of education and service provision.

Striving for excellent and equitable outcomes for all learners, particularly by addressing inequalities affecting learners from diverse backgrounds and vulnerable groups.

Professional and Legal Responsibilities

The Digital Bricks team acknowledges its professional and legal responsibilities to safeguard children, young people, and adult learners, especially those at risk. We champion practices that protect these groups from harm, abuse, and exploitation.

We are aware of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Curriculum for Excellence, Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC), the Adults in Capacity Act (2000) and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act (2007) and we will assure compliance with these when educating young people.

We will:

  • create a safe environment for any young people and adults at risk during all forms of engagement.
  • equip our staff and associates with the necessary information, knowledge, support, and guidance to ensure the safety and protection of young people, and adults at risk.
  • adhere to national child protection guidelines to safeguard all at-risk groups, including young people and protected adults.
  • provide professional learning to enhance awareness of adult and child protection.
  • take actions to respond to any allegations, suspicions, or incidents of abuse and communicate concerns to the relevant authorities.


Should you need to report any misconduct or seek clarification regarding potential child protection or safeguarding concerns, please reach out to the Director. Reports can also be made confidentially to the Director at

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