Health and safety​

At Digital Bricks Learning, we recognise the crucial importance of maintaining safe and healthy working practices. This Policy is established in compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Our commitment extends to adhering to the Act, all relevant Statutory Instruments, Codes of Practice, other applicable legislation and client requirements to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of our employees and those affected by our operations.

Our approach to health and safety

  • Fulfilling our responsibility as an employer to prevent accidents, injuries, and health hazards.
  • Actively involving all staff and associates in health and safety matters, providing adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision.
  • Setting and complying with statutory standards for health, safety, and welfare affecting staff, associates, clients, and learners.
  • Protecting against foreseeable work-related hazards.
  • Conducting risk assessments for all workplace activities and implementing control measures for unavoidable hazards.
  • Providing and maintaining safe equipment and work practices.
  • Ensuring safe working environments, including safe access at all in-person sessions.
  • Implementing a robust management system for safe work practices and health screening, along with suitable welfare facilities.
  • Informing and monitoring associates to ensure compliance with our standards and legal requirements.
  • Allocating adequate resources to meet statutory health, safety, and welfare requirements.
  • Continually improving our health and safety management system and encouraging staff and associate participation in these improvements.

Staff and associate responsibilities

Every Digital Bricks Learning staff member and associate must co-operate in meeting statutory health and safety obligations.

Staff and associates are responsible for their own safety and that of others, using protective devices and equipment, and following safety procedures.

Non-compliance with safety provisions can lead to termination of employment or contract.

Policy review and training

This Policy will be regularly reviewed and updated by Digital Bricks Learning to reflect new legislation and improved working practices.

All staff and associates will be kept informed of these amendments.

Consultation with staff and associates on health and safety matters ensures the development of effective working methods in line with this policy.

Annual core training for all staff includes updates on legislation, best practices, and any changes to procedures and safety protocols.

Adequate resources are provided to manage health and safety effectively and to ensure compliance with legislative requirements to the extent reasonably practicable.

Should you need to report any issues relating to health and safety, please reach out to the Director. Reports can also be made confidentially to the Director at

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