Digital Bricks provides services throughout the UK, focusing on enhancing education and workforce learning. We are committed to adhering to globally recognised human rights and standards. This includes the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These principles are fundamental to our operations. Our goal is to prevent any involvement in human rights abuses and to protect the human rights of our employees and all others we interact with, whether directly or indirectly.
This policy Digital Bricks is applicable to all employees, associates, partners, and clients of the company. We also expect our suppliers to respect and comply with this policy.
Guidelines on human rights
Our commitments include:
Our commitments, influenced by the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, include:
Child labour: Digital Bricks strictly avoids child labour in compliance with relevant laws. We do support legitimate apprenticeships, internships, and similar programs that adhere to applicable laws and regulations.
Modern slavery: We maintain a strict policy against forced, bonded, or involuntary labour. Employees are not required to give us identity papers or make ‘deposits’ and are free to leave the company after reasonable notice, with full payment of owed wages. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards human trafficking.
Health and safety: We ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all staff and associates, in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy.
Discipline: Digital Bricks prohibits any form of physical abuse or discipline, threats of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse, or intimidation. Disciplinary and grievance procedures are well-documented, communicated clearly to all staff and associates, and serious disciplinary actions are recorded and implemented.
Freedom of association and employee representation: We recognise and respect the right of employees to form and join organisations of their choice, in alignment with our policies. We actively seek input from staff and associates, respect the right to unionise, and comply with legal obligations for employee consultation and information.
Working hours: Digital Bricks ensures reasonable working hours that are in compliance with legal and industry standards.
Equality, diversity and inclusion: We are committed to eliminating discrimination in all aspects of employment based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, or social background, promoting equal opportunity and treatment in line with our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy.
Employment and associate terms: We provide clear, written contracts outlining the terms and conditions of employment and associate agreements, adhering to recognised employment laws and practices.
Remuneration: Digital Bricks guarantees wages and benefits that meet or exceed national standards, which also applies to our key suppliers. Employees and associates receive clear written details about their pay and conditions. We prohibit wage deductions as a disciplinary measure and are committed to equal pay for all genders for work of equal value.
Addressing grievances and remediation: In instances where a human rights violation is discovered, we are committed to collaborating with all relevant parties to ensure access to solutions, compensation, and justice for the affected individual. Additionally, we will conduct an investigation to identify the underlying cause, enabling us to take measures to prevent future occurrences of such violations.
Staff, associates, clients, and partners are encouraged to contact our Director confidentially on if they encounter unethical behaviour that cannot be resolved. We assure protection against victimisation for anyone who raises a legitimate concern in the public interest. This channel of communication is also open to third parties, including suppliers.